
Metadialogues…a place for catching up on lost conversations and dialogues with otherness…Mine!

From Art History and Theory to psychology, sociology and beyond. This is my place that burst through from COVID and has been constructed out of self-reflections and memory. I am a dialoguist and these are my musings on art, life and the textures created between thought, chats, research and creative energy. Welcome to my wunderkammer, my cabinet of curiosities and my curious search for beAndrews yond-the-mundane….

Cate Andrews

Suzy and the Simple man, 2016. Australian documentary film.

Suzy and the Simple man, 2016. Australian documentary film. Why do some people get an Australia medal and celebrate themselves unashamedly, and others, in an unasssumed manner pass notice or attention with ease simply going about their lives? When an academic assumes they can deny sentience and state “You’re nothing but a waitress…[or]Better than being…

D’entre les mort or The living and the dead. Disco and a short discussion of the film Tralala, French 2021 directed by  Jean-Marie Larrieu & Arnaud Larrieu.

“God had to create disco music so I could be born and be successful” – Donna Summer. “From children to men we cage ourselves in patterns to avoid facing new problems and possible failure; after a while men become bored because there are no new problems. Such is life under the fear of failure.”― Luke…

Disgust. A conversation about the character  Anaïs in  Anaïs in Love, French 2021 film directed by Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet.

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” ― Anais Nin Disgust. A conversation about the character  Anaïs in  Anaïs in Love, French 2021 film directed by Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet. Why talk about disgust? Conflicting meanings and reasons why disgust is powerful and socially bonding and considered moral whereas I have reframed…

Joy, Jouissance, Journal: the “doing” of collage.

“The pleasure of the text is that moment when my body pursues its own ideas—for my body does not have the same ideas I do” – Roland Barthes. Picasso, Still Life with Chair Caning, 1912. Joy, Jouissance, Journal: the “doing” of collage. Organsing a collage for family brought the simplest pleasure. I was reminded of…

Comment about Mike Parr’s Sunset Claws, 2023: a dialogic exchange with reframing through psychological construct Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.

Comment about Mike Parr’s Sunset Claws, 2023: a dialogic exchange with reframing through psychological construct Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. In December 2023 The Guardian reported that Anna Schwartz dropped the artist Mike Parr after a 36 year relationship with her gallery because of a process conceptual piece Sunset Claws. The process involved text, automatic writing and…

Mimicry and imitation: Paris etc 2017 (French language tv series).

Mimicry and imitation: Paris etc 2017 (French language tv series). Why do women imitate other women?  The young woman from Alsace, her flatmates’ “favourite fascist!” travelled to Paris to learn to cook (or become a chef?) in a busy Parisian kitchen. She arrived with long blonde bland hair, engaged, young and a National Party supporter…

Arctic directed by Joe Penna (2018)

Arctic directed by Joe Penna (2018) A young person suggested to me that Polar bears are the only animal that actively hunts humans. Not entirely correct, a polar bear often symbolises climate change and our own neglect to view our responsibility and connection to all animals on the planet. The planet strikes back through polar…


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